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icon Slike zemlje iz svemira, DIY alternativnom metodom27.03.2010. u 00:55 - pre 176 meseci

Who needs a Space Shuttle? Amazing pictures of Earth captured by one man, a balloon and his compact camera

The unearthly beauty of this image taken high above the planet would make Nasa proud.

But it didn't need millions of pounds of technology to capture.

Just a little British ingenuity that saw a standard digital camera taped to a helium balloon and floated into the sky.
Robert Harrison captured images of the Earth like this one using a Canon Sure Shot camera fixed in a polystyrene box and attached to a helium balloon

Stratospheric: Robert Harrison captured images of the Earth like this one using a Canon Sure Shot camera fixed in a polystyrene box and attached to a helium balloon
balloon in space

Achievement: Mr Harrison guided the balloon to a height of 22 miles above the Earth's surface and was able to recover the camera as it parachuted back down to earth using a sat-nav device

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Ovi se prepanuše, a Marko, onako srdit iza sna, uze jednog po jednog darivati: kog
sabljom, kog buzdovanom. Nije se ni triput okrenuo, a već svih sedam s dušom rastavi.

Odgovor na temu :: MadZone :: Zanimljivi linkovi :: Slike zemlje iz svemira, DIY alternativnom metodom

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