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Elite security ko motivacija obesnim Nacionalistima ;) :: MadZone :: Elite security ko motivacija obesnim Nacionalistima ;)

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Milos Dedijer
SQA Engineer

Milos Dedijer
Član broj: 25147
Poruke: 1159

+10 Profil

icon Elite security ko motivacija obesnim Nacionalistima ;)09.07.2006. u 02:25 - pre 221 meseci
$Hacked by Don Cano.

taj glupi naziv se pojavio na poprilicnom broju web siteova ovih dana:

Naravno sve su nasi hosting provajderi u pitanju, i ja ajde iz zezanja svidi mi se index.html i ajde da otvorim da vidim stil pisanja koda(cisto me zanimalo da li je pisano ili generisano), kad ono:

This Site was hacked by Don Cano.
@Verat,Beotel,Beocity..., your security is bad.
@EliteSecurity - if you attack Albanian servers, there will be a "Part II" and I'll destroy you. So don't try it.
Alba-Hack is back. - Attack 06 - 210 - PHP-SK
@KHG - ju pershendes krejt
you mess with the best, you die like the rest
*Using the stupidity of humans is the best way. - Don Cano.*
// -->

xexexe... deca se opet igraju... :D

p.s. Ajde moderatori brisite temu ako vam je bas volja... Al dajte da vidi bar par ljudi koja su bruka nas i hostinzi(jadan dedicated koji oni dobiju!)... :D
Make me a sandwich!
What? Make it yourself.
sudo Make me a sandwich!

ad/600/luter.1600.jpg] Martin Luter?
Odgovor na temu

IT & Network Engineer

Član broj: 1046
Poruke: 4047


+225 Profil

icon Re: Elite security ko motivacija obesnim Nacionalistima ;)09.07.2006. u 22:52 - pre 221 meseci
[Ded4]:Naravno sve su nasi hosting provajderi u pitanju

naravno da nisu...
nije me mrzelo da proverim
od onih koje trenutno google ima indeksirane, 1 je na veratu, 3 na neobee-ju, ostalih 7 su na ev1 i soloymi...
“Choose a job you like, and you will never have to work a day of your life”
“Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished”

"Great power comes with great electricity bills"
"The fact that there's a highway to Hell but only a stairway to Heaven says a lot about
anticipated traffic volume"
"Fate: protects fools, little children, and ships named NCC-1701"
Odgovor na temu

Milos Dedijer
SQA Engineer

Milos Dedijer
Član broj: 25147
Poruke: 1159

+10 Profil

icon Re: Elite security ko motivacija obesnim Nacionalistima ;)09.07.2006. u 23:03 - pre 221 meseci
Ma pogledaj source deface-a... A znam da nisu sve nasi posle sam pogledao na netcraft-u...
Make me a sandwich!
What? Make it yourself.
sudo Make me a sandwich!

ad/600/luter.1600.jpg] Martin Luter?
Odgovor na temu

IT & Network Engineer

Član broj: 1046
Poruke: 4047


+225 Profil

icon Re: Elite security ko motivacija obesnim Nacionalistima ;)10.07.2006. u 09:21 - pre 221 meseci
i sta treba da vidim? sem ociglednog?
“Choose a job you like, and you will never have to work a day of your life”
“Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished”

"Great power comes with great electricity bills"
"The fact that there's a highway to Hell but only a stairway to Heaven says a lot about
anticipated traffic volume"
"Fate: protects fools, little children, and ships named NCC-1701"
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 29099
Poruke: 4094

+16 Profil

icon Re: Elite security ko motivacija obesnim Nacionalistima ;)10.07.2006. u 11:26 - pre 221 meseci
Čudno je da je samo prvi sajt sa domenom .com a ostali x/xx.yu !?
Odgovor na temu :: MadZone :: Elite security ko motivacija obesnim Nacionalistima ;)

[ Pregleda: 5041 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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