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Stress by Jim's Big Ego :: MadZone :: Zanimljivi linkovi :: Stress by Jim's Big Ego

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Dejan Katašić
Novi Sad

Član broj: 13216
Poruke: 4533


+5 Profil

icon Stress by Jim's Big Ego19.05.2004. u 10:19 - pre 247 meseci
Jim's Big Ego -
"Pop-rock rarely comes in the neat combination of smart, catchy and personal consistently delivered by Jim's Big Ego, and perhaps never as consistently as on the dozen songs on the trio's latest album. Lead singer-songwriter Jim Infantino is an acute observer of contemporary social customs and behavior, and he has an uncanny knack for translating his observations into the accessible, pop equivalents of essays by Theodore Adorno and Walter Benjamin. Best line: "I'm a paranoid schizophrenic with surround-sound speakers." Second-best: "She's got a Harley she hardly ever rides." Pure pop for smart people."

-- Seth Rogovoy

Stress (Flash, 2 Mb):

tryin to cut down on my caffeine consumption
so when i get up i just have one cup of coffee
and id like to have another cup of coffee with my breakfast
and on the way to work i like to get a cup of coffee
i like the kind of cup of coffee you get with youre donuts
but i never get the donut i just have the cup of coffee
and when i get to work i have a cup of coffee
cause i like a cup of coffee when im talking on the phone
but it usually gets cold and i need to get another cup ofcoffee
and its lunch and i have an espresso

Odgovor na temu

Dejan Katašić
Novi Sad

Član broj: 13216
Poruke: 4533


+5 Profil

icon Re: Stress by Jim's Big Ego25.05.2004. u 07:53 - pre 247 meseci
... ma ova zelena slovca su zakon

Je li pogledao neko spot? To mi je favorit već godinama, ko ga je propustio - preporučujem da pogleda, vredi...
Odgovor na temu

Srdjan Mitrovic
Auckland, N.Z.

Član broj: 2237
Poruke: 3654

+3 Profil

icon Re: Stress by Jim's Big Ego25.05.2004. u 11:17 - pre 247 meseci
E ovo je odlicno!!!! Promakla mi je ova poruka.
Odgovor na temu :: MadZone :: Zanimljivi linkovi :: Stress by Jim's Big Ego

[ Pregleda: 4143 | Odgovora: 2 ] > FB > Twit

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