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Tehnika i nauka u buducnosti ili...... :: TechZone :: Tehnika i nauka u buducnosti ili......

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Član broj: 7256
Poruke: 351

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icon Tehnika i nauka u buducnosti ili......21.09.2004. u 13:15 - pre 243 meseci
shta nas sve cheka. Dokumenat je prilichno veliki pa cu objaviti one oblasti za koje ste zaintereosvani.
znachi sledece oblasti

Artificial Inteligence and Artificial Life
Biotechnology, health and medical
Business and Education
Environment and countryside
Home and office
Life and leisure in a cyberspace world
Machine input/output
Materials and electronic devices
Processing, memory and storage
Security, law, war
Shopping and money
Transport and travel
Wearable technology
Addendum: Wild cards (that could happen almost anytime1)

Artificial Inteligence and Artificial Life

AI doctors 2001
Virus aimed at toys released 2002
Chat show hosted by robot 2003
Computer agent personal shoppers 2003
First synthetic (but organic) life form 2003
Domestic appliances with remote (networked) intelligence 2003
Smart Barbie insists on allowance for clothes and accessories 2003
Real time language translation 2004
Toys with network based intelligence 2004
Confessions to AI priest 2004
AI teachers in school 2004
Action man toys engage in war games over networks 2004
Security Barbie used for locating lost offspring 2004
Shopping Barbie acts as personal shopper for children 2004
Machine use of common sense inference 2005
Behaviour alarms based on human mistake mechanisms 2005
Computers that write most of their own software 2005
Intelligent robotic pets 2005
AI chatbots indistinguishable from people by 95 % of population 2005
First artificial electronic life 2006
First organism brought back from extinction 2006
Software trained rather than written? 2006
Domestic appliances with personality and talking head interface 2007
Systems to understand text and drawings (e.g. patent information) 2007
People have some virtual friends but don't know which ones 2007
AI students 2007
AI models used extensively in business management 2010
Artificial Nervous System for autonomous robots 2010
Highest earning celebrity is synthetic 2010
Smart Barbie with personality chip and full sensory input 2010
AI houses which react to occupants 2010
25 % of TV celebrities synthetic 2010 :)))))))
Expert systems surpass human learning and logic abilities 2011
Most software written by machine 2011
Home manager computer 2011
Machine use of human-like memorising, recognising, learning 2012
Computer agents start being thought of as colleagues instead of tools 2013
Satellite location devices implanted into pets 2015
Office Automation systems using functions similar to brain functions 2015
Machine use of human-like creativity 2015
Leisure activities for intelligent software entities released 2015
Human knowledge exceeded by machine knowledge 2017
Electronic pets outnumber organic pets 2020
Electronic life form given basic rights 2020
Artificial insects and small animals with artificial brains 2020
Remote control devices built into pets 2020
Ubiquitous embedded intelligence 2020
Virus wipes out half of the electronic pet population 2021
Learning superseded by transparent interface to smart computer 2025
Robots physically and mentally superior to humans 2030
Living genetically engineered Furby (TM, Tiger Electronics) 2040

eto za pochetak
ako imate mesto uploadovacu ceo dokument
"Reading computer manuals without the hardware is as frustrating as reading sex manuals without the software."
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 7256
Poruke: 351

+1 Profil

icon Re: Tehnika i nauka u buducnosti ili......21.09.2004. u 13:19 - pre 243 meseci
Processing, memory and storage

200GByte hard drives 2002
Disposable Paper Cellphone ($10) 2002
Room temperature reconfigurable molecular switch 2002
22 hours of CD quality audio on a CD (MPEG4 format) 2002
Single sheet PC or TV with processing built into display 2002
Notebooks with P4 chips 2002
Use of molecular computing 2003
Integrated circuits on 1mm silicon spheres 2003
Memory with access time of 1 ns 2003
11 terabytes credit card sized storage for $50 2003
37GByte DVD 2004
Holographic storage with 1 terabyte capacity and 1 Gbit/s retrieval rate 2004
100 TFLOPS computer 2004
200 companies with petabyte storage requirements 2004
Sony GS3 chip, 250M transistors, 2000 bit internal bus, 2.6Gpixels/sec 2004
1terabyte per cu cm storage density 2005
Solid State replacement for CD 2005
IBM Blue Gene computer with 1 petaflops power 2005
ANT based operating system 2005
Retrieval from 1TB database within 10 seconds 2006
10GHz chips 2006
Cell PDA and games machine chip, <0.1 micron, 1TeraFLOPS 2006
Optical neuro-computers 2007
Quantum computer 2007
Computers used for creativity enhancement 2010
Supercomputer as fast as human brain 2010
1 Terabit memory chip 2010
DNA storage device 2010
Optical card storage - replaces CD, VHS, audiotape, magnetic disk 2010
Quantum dot memory using 20nm dots, 50MBytes in a full stop 2010
Supercomputers with speed exceeding 1 ExaFLOPS 2010
Use of analogue co-processors in PCs 2010
MP3 Net downloads dominate over CD distribution 2010
1.8 billion transistor, 30GHz chips, 1TIPS 2010
DNA computer 2012
Desktop computer as fast as human brain 2015
100GB non volatile erasable RAM in few cm square 2015
1 Petabit memory chip 2018
AI technology imitating thinking processes of the brain 2018
Molecular memory with density of 1 TB/sq. cm 2020
Parallel computer with 1000 million processors 2020
National Library of Congress available in sugar cube sized device 2030
"Reading computer manuals without the hardware is as frustrating as reading sex manuals without the software."
Odgovor na temu

Srdjan Mitrovic
Auckland, N.Z.

Član broj: 2237
Poruke: 3654

+3 Profil

icon Re: Tehnika i nauka u buducnosti ili......21.09.2004. u 13:24 - pre 243 meseci
Posto vidim da je tema malo neozbiljna mozda je bolje da bude u madzone. Ako krene ozbiljno da se diskutuje lako cemo da vratimo temu u forum nauka.
Odgovor na temu

Urukalo Milan

Član broj: 18631
Poruke: 889

ICQ: 32554731


icon Re: Tehnika i nauka u buducnosti ili......21.09.2004. u 13:37 - pre 243 meseci
mislim da gresis, ima da upropaste temu tamo

u svakom slucaju, vecina nas planira da prezivi do 2030 pa i duze, pa cemo da vidimo koliko je ovo ozbiljno. Kako je ovdje napisano 2050-neke ima da zamjenim sve djelove tjela sa novima(cak i da presnimim sadrzaj mozdanih celija) i da zivim par hiljada godina , a i duze ako mi ne dosadi.

moje misljenje da je svaku godinu potrebno pomnoziti sa 2 do 10 (2030 u stvari treba da bude 2000+30*2(ili bilo koji broj do recimo 10)) i onda bi imalo smisla.
#include <music.h>
#include <beer.h>
#include <girls.h>
main(){ run(partytime);}
Moj licni sajt
Moj wap sajt--offline
Odgovor na temu

Dejan Katašić
Novi Sad

Član broj: 13216
Poruke: 4533


+5 Profil

icon Re: Tehnika i nauka u buducnosti ili......21.09.2004. u 14:12 - pre 243 meseci
11 terabytes credit card sized storage for $50 2003

I koliko sada mogu dobiti za ovaj prošlogodišnji model?
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Marković
Part Time Freelance Journalist

Član broj: 219
Poruke: 5220


+8 Profil

icon Re: Tehnika i nauka u buducnosti ili......21.09.2004. u 15:31 - pre 243 meseci
Odgovor na temu :: TechZone :: Tehnika i nauka u buducnosti ili......

[ Pregleda: 5516 | Odgovora: 8 ] > FB > Twit

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