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Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu :: MadZone :: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu
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Član broj: 17332
Poruke: 3042

+165 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 09:10 - pre 184 meseci
k'o ona reklama/najava na discovery science,za space week ste :D
[na zalost ne nadjem na tubi da vam pokazem ako niste vidili]


Član broj: 199497
Poruke: 10

+41 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 09:15 - pre 184 meseci


Član broj: 37217
Poruke: 12059

+5251 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 11:38 - pre 184 meseci
Ovo oko fotografija tesko da moze da bude neki dokaz, i kada bi se fejkovale, to bi bilo uradjeno savrseno..tako da ne verujem da tu "leze" dokazi.

Osim ako neko nije namerno pravio greske, da "istina" ipak procuri



Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 12:14 - pre 184 meseci

Apollo photograph which appears to show that the shadows are not parallel, as highlighted by the added red lines.

However this photo, taken by a Fujifilm camera using only the Sun as a light source, clearly shows how any camera will produce the same effect.

The truth is that converging shadows are a well-know optical phenomena in photography. There is nothing mysterious about it, in fact you can easily replicate this effect yourself as per the example below.

This effect is caused by several factors including perspective and the way the surface is inclined relative to the camera and light source.

If this is not proof enough, there are two more points to note:
1. A light source placed close to the objects would not create converging shadows - it would create diverging shadows.
2. Multiple light sources create multiple shadows. There are none in the Apollo photo.


To je nešto što može svako da proveri ako želi .
Ne mora da ide na Mesec
Treba biti otvorenog uma.


Član broj: 37217
Poruke: 12059

+5251 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 14:18 - pre 184 meseci
Hajde otvori um na ovoj slici

Prikačeni fajlovi

46°05'N 19°39'E

Član broj: 24964
Poruke: 987

+680 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 14:34 - pre 184 meseci
2. Multiple light sources create multiple shadows. There are none in the Apollo photo.

The fact of the matter is ... there were multiple light sources, Launius said. "You've got the sun, the Earth's reflected light, light reflecting off the lunar module, the spacesuits, and also the lunar surface."

A man is smart. People are stupid.


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 14:56 - pre 184 meseci
Upravo tako :)
Prikačeni fajlovi


Član broj: 40789
Poruke: 100

+22 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 15:04 - pre 184 meseci
vladd: Hajde otvori um na ovoj slici:D

Chek, ti sugerishesh da su uzeli milijarde dolara da naprave tu veliku prevaru, i pritom terali hiljade ljudi da cute; ali su "sluchajno" zaboravili da retushiraju par slika i izvrshe korekciju na senkama?

Znachi ljudi koji su raspolagali milijardama dolara su, eto, zaboravili da obrade fotografije da izgledaju kao autentichni dokaz boravka na Mesecu?

Evo kako to rade Rusi par decenija ranije:
Ili Ameri 1918 g.:
In all the years I have studied their work I never really noticed, until I started zooming in close on the scans, that the negatives were retouched. Using near opaque paint on the large 11X14 negative Mole removed people who were not lined up correctly, shadows that broke up the clean lines of the troops, and most obviously in this example, removed people and something (equipment, junk, or ??) from the background.

Glupost je neunishtiva. Budala je nezajebljiva.
Stupidity is permanent; ignorance can be fixed.



Član broj: 37217
Poruke: 12059

+5251 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 16:11 - pre 184 meseci
Ne znam ko je i gde napravo silne fotografije, a bogami me i ne zanima. Imam neka licna pitanja, ali cemo o tome..ako se nastavi...mada bez odgovora, racunam.

Moguce je da su poturali fake neki drugi..

Sto se fotografija tice, mislim da pored nekoliko hiljada uslikanih, raznih situacija, ne postoji bar par komada sa "pogodnim fokusom", koje bi prikazivale zvezdani pejzaz sa Meseca. Verovatno fantastican.

Moguci razlog, je, sto su i tada, astronomi bili opaki sa proracunima, pa bi eventualna zvezdana slika odredila, odredjenog datuma, preciznu lokaciju tacke gledista.

Mene vise zanima kako su se provukli kroz radioaktvnu kosmicku plazmu, solarne partikle velikih energija, vratise se zivi i zdravi...

Uz dodatno pitanje lansiranja sa Meseca, bez ozbiljne rakete nosaca, bar desetak puta manje od Saturna 5...sto iznosi dodatnih minimum 10-ak tona(neki proracuni tvrde da je potrebno bar 20 tona goriva), a savremena najmodernija raketa nosac moze da odnese u kosmos 17,5 tona...mislim na Titan4

Ali, sta zna dete sta je 10 tona, baci u svemir...

Uzgred, ovo je spisak tehnoloskih potreba za savremeni let na Mesec, izgleda solidno komplikovan

Uzgred, 2001 god je Rusija priznala da Gagarin nije prvi covek u svemiru..i prihvatili su da spomenu zrtve, 1957, 1958 i 1959 godine.

Probacu da im nadjem imena..



Član broj: 178234
Poruke: 11



icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 16:24 - pre 184 meseci
Meni jedna stvar bas nije najjasnija, eto prvi (ili treci whatever) put probali da odu do meseca i sve radilo cakum-pakum , on-line snimak u realnom vremenu... pa spustanje na mesec i poletanje sa istog iz prvog puta... i to je bilo pre 40 godina gde nisu imali ni t. od tehnologije kao sada, mislim da bi sada bilo cupavo a kamoli tada sa onom moon-lander igrackom ... - moj Golf koga prodajem vec nekoliko godina .


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 16:28 - pre 184 meseci
in addition to the radiation protection for the astronauts similar protection would be required for the films + cameras, NASA's official explanation of how the films were protected was that the cameras were painted with a coat of aluminum paint

Kakva bre radijacija i nekakvi Van Allenovi pojasi... sve ce to malo 'luminijumske farbe da resi :)


Član broj: 40789
Poruke: 100

+22 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 16:33 - pre 184 meseci
Moguci razlog, je, sto su i tada, astronomi bili opaki sa proracunima, pa bi eventualna zvezdana slika odredila, odredjenog datuma, preciznu lokaciju tacke gledista.

Ako mogu da odrede tachnu lokaciju na Mesecu na osnovu zvezda, to ne bi bio problem da se odradi i na Zemlji, jel tako?
Jel mozesh da objasnish kako? Ili to samo pretpostavljash...

Uz dodatno pitanje lansiranja sa Meseca, bez ozbiljne rakete nosaca, bar desetak puta manje od Saturna 5...sto iznosi dodatnih minimum 10-ak tona(neki proracuni tvrde da je potrebno bar 20 tona goriva), a savremena najmodernija raketa nosac moze da odnese u kosmos 17,5 tona...mislim na Titan4

Ako sam dobro razumeo, kazesh da je potrebno 20 tona goriva da bi astronauti i modul uzleteli sa povrshine Meseca?
Glupost je neunishtiva. Budala je nezajebljiva.
Stupidity is permanent; ignorance can be fixed.



Član broj: 37217
Poruke: 12059

+5251 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 16:33 - pre 184 meseci
Znaci mogu na Mesec, obarvo sam felne sa doticnom...jbga ima malo cinka

A ovo su nesrecnici koji nisu doziveli povratak, i surova pisana istorija ih je zaboravila

Alexis Ledovsky, late 1957, reached a height of 200 miles.
Serentyi Shiborin, flight attempt February 1958.
Andrei Mitkov, flight attempt January 1959.



Član broj: 37217
Poruke: 12059

+5251 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 16:46 - pre 184 meseci
zrachko: Ako sam dobro razumeo, kazesh da je potrebno 20 tona goriva da bi astronauti i modul uzleteli sa povrshine Meseca?

Kazu i vise, ali ne znam zasto polemisete samnom.

Prihvatio bih polemiku, za bar 0,001% budzeta NASA

Uostalom, ako je potrebna raketa nosac od nekoliko stotina tona na Zemlji, gravitacija Meseca je "samo" 6 puta manja...

zrachko:Ako mogu da odrede tachnu lokaciju na Mesecu na osnovu zvezda, to ne bi bio problem da se odradi i na Zemlji, jel tako?
Jel mozesh da objasnish kako? Ili to samo pretpostavljash...

Naravno da se razlikuju slike neba na zemaljskim lokacijama u odredjeno vreme(i kada se ne vide od dnevnog svetla), a znaju se termini boravka "u sekundu" ako su fake fotografije, znalo bi se sa kojih lokacija su moguce

A posebno me cudi, posto je dobra fotografija jasno zvezdanog neba mnogima lepa.

Prikačeni fajlovi


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 17:49 - pre 184 meseci
Evo par zanimljivih fotografija...

Superimposition Anomalies

A view of the Apollo 16 Command/Service Module over the moon, NASA Photo ID AS16-113-18282, at, shows a range finding crosshair missing where the C/SM is located.

During the Apollo era, the technology existed to produce fake images involving one image superimposed over another. Evidence for this comes from We know that the earth should be about 65 degrees above the lunar true horizon when viewed by the Apollo 11 astronauts. In the reflection in the Apollo 11 astronauts' visors, the earth is shown less than five degrees above the horizon.

Would superimposition of astronauts and equipment over range finding crosshairs indicate that the images were made by pasting a foreground image over a background image, probably by using some sort of darkroom or computer photographic processing technique?

The following image, from the 1969 World Book Science Year, page 22, could very well answer this question.

This is a close-up of the LM dish at the green ledge of the C/SM, from which the image is allegedly taken from.

Cover the light grey moon portion with a straight edge, such as a piece of paper, so that as much green, but only green, is showing. You will notice that a portion of the dish is still visible.

Znaci na prvoj nedostaje marker koji se preseca sa brodom, a na drugoj astronauti nikako nisu mogli da imaju refleksiju zemlje u viziru, posto je mesec uvek okrenut istom stranom ka zemlji - i trebalo bi da se sa meseca, zemlja, moze videti samo pod uglom od 65 stepeni, a ovde se vidi pod uglom od 5 stepeni... na trecoj slici, antena broda prelazi preko ivice letelice iz koje je slika nacinjena...
Prikačeni fajlovi


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 17:53 - pre 184 meseci
The Van Allen belts are full of deadly radiation, and anyone passing through them would be fried.

Needless to say this is a very simplistic statement. Yes, there is deadly radiation in the Van Allen belts, but the nature of that radiation was known to the Apollo engineers and they were able to make suitable preparations. The principle danger of the Van Allen belts is high-energy protons , which are not that difficult to shield against. And the Apollo navigators plotted a course through the thinnest parts of the belts and arranged for the spacecraft to pass through them quickly, limiting the exposure.

It would require six feet (two meters) of lead in order to shield from the Van Allen belts. The Apollo spacecraft had nowhere near this amount of shielding and so could not have provided the astronauts adequate protection.

The "six feet of lead" statistic appears in many conspiracist charges, but no one has yet owned up to being the definitive source of that figure. In fact, six feet (2 m) of lead would probably shield against a very large atomic explosion, far in excess of the normal radiation encountered in space or in the Van Allen belts.

While such drastic measures are needed to shield against intense, high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, that is not the nature of the radiation in the Van Allen belts. In fact, because the Van Allen belts are composed of high-energy protons and high-energy electrons, metal shielding is actually counterproductive because of the Bremsstrahlung that would be induced.

Metals can be used to shield against particle radiation, but they are not the ideal substance. Polyethylene is the choice of particle shielding today, and various substances were available to the Apollo engineers to absorb Van Allen radiation. The fibrous insulation between the inner and outer hulls of the command module was likely the most effective form of radiation shielding. When metals must be used in spacecraft (e.g., for structural strength) then a lighter metal such as aluminum is better than heavier metals such as steel or lead. The lower the atomic number, the less Bremsstrahlung.

The notion that only vast amounts of a very heavy metal could shield against Van Allen belt radiation is a good indicator of how poorly though out the conspiracist radiation case is. What the conspiracists say is the only way of shielding against the Van Allen belt radiation turns out to be the worst way to attempt to do it!


[Ovu poruku je menjao stil dana 25.07.2009. u 19:05 GMT+1]
Prikačeni fajlovi


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 18:17 - pre 184 meseci
Nije problem u pojasu... vec u radijaciji koja je iza tog pojasa, tj. koja sa nalazi u delu puta od/do meseca, kao i tokom cele shetnje na povrsini meseca... jer tada astronauti nisu bili zasticeni Van Allenovim pojasom koji odbija radijaciju...

There is considerable evidence that the Van Allen shields, which start at an altitude of between 250 miles to 750 miles, protect us from deadly solar and cosmic radiation.

Pogledaj link za gomilu informacija:

"Solar Flares are produced by 'storms' in the solar magnetosphere. These eruptions yield very high radiation doses within very short time periods (hours to days). There is a correlation with the 11 year solar cycle. The largest events occurring in the months following sunspot maximum. Solar flares are cataclysmic releases of energy resulting from processes that are poorly understood."

"During a solar maximum, about 15 flares per day emit detectable X-ray energies."

"...(1964 for solar minimum and 1970 for solar maximum)."

So the Apollo missions, from 1969 to 1972, were occurring during a solar maximum, when there would have been peak numbers of solar flares per day!

na kraju...
At geosynchronous orbit, doses are "still low compared to interplanetary space due to geomagnetic shielding", according to Radiation Hardening In Space.

A radiation dose value from a low energy flare is provided from NASA Mooned America, p. 134: "On page 256 of 'Astronautical Engineering' there is a chart that shows the dosage of four different flares. On August 22, 1958 there was a low energy flare that could have been reduced to 25-rem with 2-cm of water shielding."

So, being conservative and using 25 rems per flare, we have 25 rems x 15 flares/day = 375 rems / day for the Apollo astronauts.

For occupational exposure dose limits, the International Atomic Energy Agency states that the "occupational exposure of any worker shall be so controlled" that the limit of an "effective dose of 50 mSv" "in any single year" "be not exceeded". 50 mSv converts to 5 rems.

How were the Apollo astronauts able to withstand 375 rems per day when the IAEA occupational exposure dose limit is only 5 rems in any single year?

Dakle oni bi trebalo da su primili (375/5), tj. 75 puta vecu dozu dnevno - od one propisane za ljude koji dolaze u dodir sa radijacijom na i to na godisnjem nivou...
O opremi (kamerama) da ne pricamo, kao sto rekoh, malo 'luminijumske farbe ce to da resi...

Jedna je prica o radijaciji unutar Van Allenovog pojasa (sveimrska stanica mir, neki sateliti itd.), a totalno druga prica o radijaciji u otvorenom svemiru (tipa mesec) kada ne postoji zatita Van Allenovog pojasa.

[Ovu poruku je menjao a1200 dana 25.07.2009. u 19:30 GMT+1]


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 18:37 - pre 184 meseci
The hulls of the Apollo spacecraft were ultra-thin.

The hulls were "ultra-thin" compared to the tons of concrete the layman believes is necessary to shield against radiation. The protection was adequate for the Van Allen belts and normal particle flux from the sun, but probably not enough to protect against a major solar event. It would have indeed been prohibitive to supply the Apollo spacecraft with the shielding necessary to ward off solar event radiation entirely. But with the shielding provided, the astronauts would have been able to withstand a major solar particle event for as long as two hours without receiving a lethal dose.

But protection against radiation isn't always a matter of piling up enough material to weather the storm. Sometimes it's a matter of planning and evasion.

A major solar event doesn't just cut loose without warning. It is possible to observe the "weather" on the sun and predict when a major event will occur. And this is what was done on the Apollo missions. To be sure, the missions were planned months in advance and the forecasting was not that farsighted. But they would have had enough warning to call off the mission should a solar event have started boiling up from the depths of the sun.

Statistical probability was the main protection for the Apollo crews. The forecasters would have been able to rule out major events during the first few days of the mission. And so out of a nine-day mission that might only leave five or six days of vulnerability. The chances of a major solar event occurring within a given five-day period is quite remote, even during periods of exceptional activity.

Solar events are directional. They don't fan out from the sun in concentric rings; they're more like cosmic shotgun blasts. And so if an event should occur, it's more likely to throw particles in some other direction rather than toward the earth and its moon.


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 18:52 - pre 184 meseci

Current methods of flare prediction are problematic, and there is no certain indication that an active region on the Sun will produce a flare. However, many properties of sunspots and active regions correlate with flaring. For example, magnetically complex regions (based on line-of-sight magnetic field) called delta spots produce most large flares. A simple scheme of sunspot classification due to McIntosh is commonly used as a starting point for flare prediction. Predictions are usually stated in terms of probabilities for occurrence of flares above M or X GOES class with 24 or 48 hours. The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issues forecasts of this kind.

I to je stanje kakvo je danas u 2009 godini, a ne pre 40 godina... tako da ta prica o "predvidjanju" je smesna. Pa sad se postavljaju sateliti izmedju zemlje i sunca kako bi se unapredila detekcija na neku realnu cifru u okviru koje bi sateleti mogli da se iskljuce...


"During a solar maximum, about 15 flares per day emit detectable X-ray energies."

Apollo missions, from 1969 to 1972, were occurring during a solar maximum, when there would have been peak numbers of solar flares per day!

Ako je stvarno izvedeno sletanje na mesec, onda je to bio "ruski rulet" sto se tice flare-ova... a ovde se govori o danima, i ne, nije potrebno da bude neki ekstremno jak flare da bi ostavio posledice na ljude i opremu, posebno ako se oni nalaze van zone zasticene magnetnim omotacem zemlje. To je i poenta prethodnog posta... normalna i slaba radijacija u perodu solarnog maksimuma, tj. u perodu kad su oni obavljali misiju, bi ostavila posledice. Nije potreban 'major solar event' za posledice...

Al' dobro, oni su znali kad ce flareovi da se pojave, i to sa takvom pouzdanoscu od skoro nedelju dana... dok ovi danas... hmmm


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Sumnje da je čovek bio na Mesecu25.07.2009. u 19:02 - pre 184 meseci
Pa ako si čitao kaže se da se mogla predvideti aktivnost sunca u trajanju od svega nekoliko dana. Bili su ranjivi tokom pet do šest dana misije. U pitanju su uski snopovi čestica koji se izračuju sa površine Sunca u prostor. Tako da je verovatnoća da ih zakači bila relativno mala a oni su bili baš mala meta.
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