Hi Guys,
I`m sorry about that, I speak with you in English. But my Serbian Language is not good enough. You can write Serbia and I will understand you. Or you speak German, ... please apologize.
Now to my problem:
I have the 23kw Alfa Plam Commo in the house of my Mother. And now, I will start the Pellet Burner, if the Water-Temp goes down to 65°C and ends if the Temp is 75°C. The Settings are on Step 5, but they goes every time in Modulation. But I will, that starts and ends shortly, without Modulation.
How can I go into the Program Settings with the Code "A9" and Change everything i need.
Start: 65°C
End: 75°C
No Modulation
No Steps down
"Only starts with max. and ends with max."
Is anybody here to help me.
PS: You can write in German also!