Bean yourself ............................... Opasulji se
Behind intentions ........................... Zadnje namere
Big knife tomorrow .......................... Kamasutra
Boys from the end ........................... Momci iz kraja
Cabbaged book ............................... Raskupusana knjiga
Calculate on me ............................. Racunaj na mene
Castration city ............................. Skoplje
Catch the fog! .............................. Hvataj maglu!
Congratulations on your meatballs! .......... Alal ti cufte!
Congratulations on your religion ............ Alal ti vera
Dark of the job! ............................ Taman posla!
Don't lay devil ............................. Ne lezi vraze
Just-steel .................................. Bas-Celik
Don't strangle! ............................. Ne davi!
Eat the job ................................. Izes pos'o!
Edge and Police Wagon ....................... Ivica i Marica
Erase yourself .............................. Obrisi se
Execute a shop .............................. Izvrsiti radnju
Far you beautiful house! .................... Daleko ti lepa kuca!
For scratch city ............................ Zagreb
For whose grandma's health? ................. Za cije babe zdravlje?
FreeDay SweetFucker ......................... Slobodan Milosevic
From me than on to the stick ................ S mene pa na ustap
From the little legs ........................ Od malih nogu
Fuck the shop ............................... Zajebi radnju
Gee, upside-down ............................ Iju, naopako!
Go escape! .................................. Idi begaj!
Go from me, come to me ...................... Idi mi, dodji mi
Go into three beautiful ..................... Idi u tri lepe
Handleading composition ..................... Rukovodeci sastav
He ate himself alive from nausea ............ Ziv se poj'o od muke
He beat him on dead name .................... Prebio ga na mrtvo ime
He has a loop ............................... Ima petlju
He is smileing in his moustache ............. Smeje mu se u brk
He sleeps all in sixteen .................... Spava sve u sesnaest
Here and there .............................. Tu i tamo
Hey wire, wire, my raincoat is shaking ...... Hej, zica, zica, drma mi se
Hi society .................................. Zdravo drustvo
How am I onionish ........................... Kako sam lukav
How many watch is it ........................ Koliko je sati
How yes no .................................. Kako da ne
I am talking alone with the room ............ Pricam sam sa sobom
I am working with a full dime ............... Radim punom parom
I axed myself very much ..................... Mnogo sam se sekirao
I'll decorate you for Willow day! ........... Udesicu te za Vrbicu!
I'll fuck your grandmother's grandmother! ... Jebacu ti nanu naninu!
I'll fuck your golden sun! .................. Jebacu ti sunce zarko!
I'll order you like Mike a fancy cake ....... Sredicu te k'o Panta pitu!
In is! ...................................... U, je!
In the eyes of the New Year ................. U oci Nove Godine
It's three watch ............................ Tri sata je
Liquid questions ............................ Tekuca pitanja
Little Wet Little Forest .................... Mali Mokri Lug
Little tomorow .............................. Malo sutra
Lubricated behaviour ........................ Ljigavo ponasanje
Mary fucked the bumble-bee .................. Jebala Mara bumbara
Master, brake, middle! ...................... Majstore, koci, srednja!
Meat community .............................. Mesna zajednica
Middle sad .................................. Srednje zalosno
Military face ............................... Vojno lice
More how much tomorrow ...................... Jos koliko sutra
New now city ................................ Novi Sad
No Cat ...................................... Nemacka
Of dear will ................................ Drage volje
Oh not mine! ................................ Ma nemoj!
Oh yes gipsy fox ............................ Ada Ciganlija
On the face of the place .................... Na licu mesta
Only killer ................................. Samoubica
Runaway hair ................................ Bezanijska Kosa
Sarah is an ox city ......................... Sarajevo
Saturday city ............................... Subotica
Sea can't! .................................. More ne moze!
Sea, carry yourself! ........................ More nosi se!
Selfcommanded Organisation of United Work ... SOUR
Shit trough the densely limbs ............... Sranje kroz gusto granje
Since remember century ...................... Od pamtiveka
Small before ................................ Malopre
Subquestion ................................. Potpitanje
The time is pulse beautiful ................. Vreme je bilo lepo
They put him foxes .......................... Stavili su mu lisice
Till the mine! .............................. Do mojega!
Time is pretty .............................. Vreme je lepo
To forfuck .................................. Zajebati
To fromfuck ................................. Izjebati
To lead the bill ............................ Voditi racuna
To offuck ................................... Odjebati
To onfuck ................................... Najebati
To overpiss oneself ......................... Popismaniti se
To take healthy for over .................... Uzeti zdravo za gotovo
To underfuck ................................ Podjebavati
To withfuck ................................. Sjebati
Translate me on the other page in face ...... Prevedite me na drugu
stranu ulice
Treasure to you ............................. Blago tebi
Two bad Milosh dead ......................... Dva losa, ubise Milosa
Waiting all right for bread ................. Cekanje u redu za hleb
Wart city ................................... Pristina
Watch out so it shouldn't be! ............... Paz' da ne bi!
What a damage! .............................. Kakva steta!
What are you doing when you do nothing? ..... Sta radis kada nista ne
What has? ................................... Sta ima?
Where are you, sick? ........................ DJe si, bolan?
Which one is it to you, since this morning .. Koji ti je od jutros
Who cuts your hair! ......................... Ko te sisa!
Who fucks you! .............................. Ko te jebe!
Who is crazy, you don't be his friend ....... Ko je lud ne budi mu drug
Who is your devil! .......................... Koji ti je djavo!
Who plums you! .............................. Ko te sljivi!
Who washes, him two ......................... Ko umije njemu dvije
Windfucker .................................. Jebivetar
With whom you are - such you are ............ S kim si - takav si
Without behind intention .................... Bez zadnje namere
Wolfcook city ............................... Vukovar
Worked Melissa .............................. Radio Mileva
Yes little duck ............................. Dapace
Yes you me little mother! ................... Da ti ja malo majku!
You'll see your god! ........................ Videces ti svoga boga!
Poslacu kasnije jos toga...