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Marjan Bažalac

Član broj: 17066
Poruke: 6463

Jabber: nabukodonosor@elite.....
ICQ: 235843000

+565 Profil

icon PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD06.02.2005. u 02:14 - pre 238 meseci
Kompanija Sony je u četvrtak objavila da će od 24. marta početi prodaja prenosive verzije njene igračke konzole Playstation (PlayStation Portable, PSP) na tržištu SAD.

PlayStation Portable (PSP) pojavio se u japanskim prodavnicama sredinom decembra prošle godine, a samo prvog dana prodato je preko 200.000 primeraka konzole. Kupci u SAD će moći po ceni od 250 dolara da kupe paket Value Pack, u kome se osim konzole nalazi dodatna memorijska kartica Memory Stick Duo kapaciteta 32 MB, slušalice, komplet baterija, naponski ispravljač i nekoliko demo igara.

Konzola PlayStation Portable je teška 280 grama, ima ekran dijagonale 4.3 inča, podršku za bežično povezivanje po standardu 802.11b za igranje u mreži, a baterija može da traje do pet sati.
Have you ever had a dream that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from
that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world...and the real world?
Odgovor na temu

Slobodan Miskovic

Član broj: 4967
Poruke: 5814

+105 Profil

icon Re: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD06.02.2005. u 02:27 - pre 238 meseci
Poseduje i kameru od 3.2 MP

Evo i nekih slika...

Odgovor na temu

Branimir Karadžić
Seattle, WA

Član broj: 14953
Poruke: 1630


+11 Profil

icon Re: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD06.02.2005. u 07:36 - pre 238 meseci
STELLANOVA: Poseduje i kameru od 3.2 MP

Kamera je bila samo dodatak na prototipu na E3.

Evo specifikacija:

Inače izgleda da neće moći u početku da se kupi pojedinačno nego samo kao bundle. A cena je $399.95-$549.95 u zavisnosti od izbora...


Odgovor na temu

Marjan Bažalac

Član broj: 17066
Poruke: 6463

Jabber: nabukodonosor@elite.....
ICQ: 235843000

+565 Profil

icon Re: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD06.02.2005. u 12:47 - pre 238 meseci
Mnogo jako, nema sta. Bas me zanima kakva ce cena biti. 1000 jura, sigurno.
Have you ever had a dream that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from
that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world...and the real world?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 11887
Poruke: 2046


icon Re: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD06.02.2005. u 14:05 - pre 238 meseci
Perverzija.. Voleo bih da ga posedujem..! Dusu dalo kad se putuje.. A vidim da ni grafika ne zaostaje..!?

Odgovor na temu

Slobodan Miskovic

Član broj: 4967
Poruke: 5814

+105 Profil

icon Re: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD06.02.2005. u 14:50 - pre 238 meseci
Bice max 500e... u SAD moze da se kupi za 300$ vec...
Odgovor na temu

Branimir Karadžić
Seattle, WA

Član broj: 14953
Poruke: 1630


+11 Profil

icon Re: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD06.02.2005. u 17:18 - pre 238 meseci
STELLANOVA: u SAD moze da se kupi za 300$ vec

Reci gde, pa ću odmah da ga kupim... :)

Prvo nije još izašao ovde, izlaz tek u 24. marta:

Uglavnom nestrpljivi kupuju preko Lik Sang-a i onda je ukupna cena oko $500 USD (PSP + igre + shipping + carina)...

I čak kada izađe biće razgrabljen odmah pa će se prodavati preko eBay-a po višoj ceni. Isti je slučaj sa Nintendo DS-om, koji od kada je počeo da se prodaje ovde, sve do sada, je stalno razgrabljen...

Ortak iz BGD-a mi reče da je neko koga on poznaje naručio i dobio PSP iz Japana i izašlo ga je oko 500 EUR (svi troškovi).

Inače verzija za Evropu stiže kasnije i još se tačno ne zna datum...
According to reports from Reuters and others, Sony Computer Entertainment may delay its European PSP launch until April--or later. The reports say SCE is planning to focus on the handheld's presence in America and Japan, given that processor shortages are preventing Sony from producing PSPs fast enough.


Odgovor na temu

Slobodan Miskovic

Član broj: 4967
Poruke: 5814

+105 Profil

icon Re: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD06.02.2005. u 18:37 - pre 238 meseci 250$ ;)

PSP Ready and Priced for North American Launch

Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. announced today the North American launch details for its highly anticipated PSP(TM) (PlayStation(R) Portable) handheld entertainment system.Available through retail outlets on March 24, the company continues its consumer-centric legacy with the release of the PSP Value Pack for a suggested retail price of $249.99 U.S $299.99 CND.

In addition to the revolutionary PSP hardware, the PSP Value Pack contains an unprecedented added-value package of accessories and entertainment content, including 32 MB Memory Stick Duo(TM), headphones with remote control, battery pack, AC adaptor, soft case and cleaning cloth, movie/music/game video sampler UMD disc including multiple non-interactive game demos, and for the first one million PSP Value Packs shipped, a special UMD video release of the feature film Spider-Man(TM) 2 from Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Sony Computer Entertainment will manufacture one million units for sale in the North American market by the close of its fiscal year ending March 31. This figure is part of the company's total three-million-unit worldwide PSP system shipment estimate within the same time period. PSP released in Japan on December 12, 2004 and is already a hit, with more than 800,000 units shipped, including a 200,000-unit allocation that sold out on day one. PSP sets a new standard as the first truly integrated portable entertainment system designed to provide consumers with a comprehensive entertainment experience including games, music, movies, communication, and wireless networking. Featuring graphics rendering capabilities comparable to the company's leading in-home console, PlayStation(R)2, PSP brings an unparalleled gaming experience to a portable platform, allowing users to enjoy 3D games, with high-quality, full-motion video, and high-fidelity stereo audio. PSP also allows for digital photo display and supports digital music playback in both MP3 and ATRAC formats.

"PSP will evolve and elevate portable entertainment, giving users the freedom to play full 3D games, watch movies, listen to music and connect wirelessly on their terms, their time and their place," said Kaz Hirai, president and chief executive officer, Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. "More than ever, today's consumer demands access to entertainment outside the home without compromising quality. With more than 100 PSP game titles currently in development worldwide, and the ability to download and listen to digital music and view feature films with breathtaking screen quality, PSP lets users control their entertainment options, all in one package."

PSP features an unmatched 4.3-inch, 16:9 wide screen TFT LCD that displays full color (16.77 million colors) on a 480 x 272 pixel high-resolution screen. PSP also comes complete with built-in stereo speakers, exterior headphone connector and diverse input/output connectors such as USB 2.0, and 802.11b (Wi-Fi) wireless LAN, enabling users to connect to the Internet and play online via a wireless network.* Up to 16 PSPs in the vicinity can also be connected to each other directly in ad-hoc mode, allowing for wireless head-to-head competition. In addition, wireless capabilities will allow software and data to be downloaded to a PSP and saved onto a Memory Stick Duo.

PSP also adopts a newly developed proprietary, compact, but high-capacity optical disc, Universal Media Disc (UMD(TM)), as its storage medium. UMD is the next-generation compact storage media, only 60mm in diameter but can store up to 1.8GB of digital data -- more than three times the data held on a CD-ROM. A broad range of digital entertainment content such as high quality 3D games, music, movies, video clips and other programs can be distributed on UMD. To protect this content, a robust copyright protection system has been developed for UMD, which utilizes a combination of a unique disc ID, 128 bit
AES encryption keys for the media, and individual ID for each PSP hardware unit.

PSP (PlayStationPortable) Basic Specifications and Features

Product Name PSP(TM) (PlayStation(R)Portable)
Color Black
Product Code PSP-1001K
Dimensions Approximately 6.7 in (W) x .9 in (H) x 2.9 in (D)
Weight Approximately 280g / .62 lbs (including battery)
CPU PSP CPU (System clock frequency 1 - 333MHz)
Main Memory 32MB
Embedded DRAM 4MB
Display 4.3 inch, 16:9 Wide screen TFT LCD
480 x 272 pixel, 16.77 million colors
Maximum luminance 180 / 130 / 80cd/m2 (when using battery pack)
Maximum luminance 200 / 180 / 130 / 80cd/m2 (when using AC adaptor)
Sound Built-in stereo speakers
Main Input/Output IEEE 802.11b (Wi-Fi)
USB 2.0 (mini-B)
Memory Stick Duo(TM)
IR Remote
Main Connectors Memory Stick Duo(TM) Slot
USB connector
DC OUT connector
DC IN 5V connector
Headset connector
Keys/Switches Directional buttons (Up/Down/Right/Left)
Analog Stick
Enter keys (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square)
Left, Right shoulder buttons x 1
START button, SELECT button, HOME button x 1
POWER/HOLD switch x 1
Display button, Sound button, Volume +/- buttons x 1
Wireless LAN switch (ON/OFF) x 1
OPEN latch (UMD) x 1
Power Lithium-ion Battery
AC Adaptor
Disc Drive UMD Drive (Read only)
Profile PSP Game
UMD Audio (profile name TBD)
UMD Video (profile name TBD)
Codec [Video]: "UMD": H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Main Profile Level3
[Video}: "Memory Stick": MPEG-4 SP,AAC
[Music]: "UMD": linear PCM,ATRAC3plus(TM)
[Music}: "Memory Stick": ATRAC3plus(TM),MP3(MPEG1/2 Layer3)
[Photo]: JPEG (DCF2.0/Exif2.21)
Security (Encryption) 128bit AES (Copyright protection technology) MagicGate(TM)
Access control Region, Parental Control
Wireless communications
IEEE802.11b Infrastructure mode, Ad hoc mode (connection up to 16 consoles)
PSP Value Pack
accessories AC adaptor
Battery pack
Memory Stick Duo (32 MB)
Headphone with remote control
Soft case and cloth
UMD In-pack Sampler
Odgovor na temu

Marko Vasic
dipl. ecc.

Član broj: 25075
Poruke: 1740


+2 Profil

icon Re: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD06.02.2005. u 19:01 - pre 238 meseci
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 18950
Poruke: 369


icon Re: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD06.02.2005. u 19:16 - pre 238 meseci
Realna cena bi trebala da bude ~150e koliko inace iznosi i novi Nitendo GameBoyDS (procitao sam u nekom clanku na netu). Grafika PSP-a je maltene ista kao i na PlayStation 2 - fenomenalna.
Procitajte za koliko ovaj "lik" prodaje PSP po Srbiji :)

[Ovu poruku je menjao forgotten dana 06.02.2005. u 20:22 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

Branimir Karadžić
Seattle, WA

Član broj: 14953
Poruke: 1630


+11 Profil

icon Re: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD06.02.2005. u 19:30 - pre 238 meseci

To jeste cena PSP-a, ali fazon je što zbog velike potražnje u startu nijedna prodavnica neće prodavati PSP pojedinačno, nego samo kao komplet (bundle) PSP $249.99 + 3 igre po izboru + neki dodatak = $399.95-$549.95 (primer imaš ovde: Isto se još uvek dešava sa Nintendo DS-om. Prvo ne može da se nađe u prodavnicama, jer čim dobiju isporuku odmah se rasproda. Ja sam čekao od početka Decembra do pre neki dan da nađem DS u prodavnici, ali sam odustao i kupio sam ga preko Walmart-a (npr. nije imao DS u skladištu) i uz to morao sam da naručim igru i dodatak. Tako da od početne cene od $149.99 koliko košta DS, da bi ga kupio moraš da platiš $230 (ovo uključuje porez i poštarinu).

Do te cene od $249.99 i mogućnosti da kupiš PSP pojedinačno će se verovatno čekati jedno godinu dana... Tj. sve dok je tržište voljno da kupuje u kompletu... ;)

Obrati pažnju na
PSP Value Pack for a suggested retail price of $249.99



Odgovor na temu

Slobodan Miskovic

Član broj: 4967
Poruke: 5814

+105 Profil

icon Re: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD06.02.2005. u 19:46 - pre 238 meseci
Evo za 430$ sa troskovima :)

Odgovor na temu

Branimir Karadžić
Seattle, WA

Član broj: 14953
Poruke: 1630


+11 Profil

icon Re: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD24.03.2005. u 02:53 - pre 236 meseci
Evo stigao je... :)

Live from Sony’s PlayStation Portable Launch Party

Gamers line up for release of Sony PSP

Sony's Newest Game Machine PSP Set for U.S. Debut

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 1021
Poruke: 1388


icon Re: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD24.03.2005. u 16:13 - pre 236 meseci
Imao sam prilike da isprobam PSP na jednom okupljanju Linuxasa u Novom Sadu.
Sta reci.....preterana stvar.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 29642
Poruke: 132


icon Re: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD21.10.2005. u 18:18 - pre 229 meseci
Da li neko zna gde se PSP moze naci u BG ?
Ko je generalni zastupnik za PSP u Srbiji ?

S obzirom da je u Evropi krenuo 1 septembra,trebalo bi da se vec pojavio.
Odgovor na temu :: TechZone :: PlayStation Portable u martu stiže u SAD

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