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icon Students trade bibles for porn at Texas college09.03.2010. u 08:48 - pre 176 meseci

Interested in trading religious texts for a little girl on girl action? That is what some students are doing at the University of Texas-San Antonio. A group known as the Atheist Agenda has began their annual "Smut for Smut" campaign, which likens the Bible to porn, and allows students to trade a piece of their religion beliefs for pornography.

The group managed to get ten students to trade their bibles for adult material on the first day of the campaign.

Atheist Agenda President Carlos Morales says that the Bible condones mistreatment as much as pornography. "I wouldn't want to live by what they call 'morality' in the Bible," he added.

Opposition to the Atheist Agenda gathered around the booth to protest the campaign. Students were heard singing Christian hymns, including "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so." Others were holding signs that included messages such as "Jesus Saves."

Police took action to make sure the protest did not get out of hand. A third party of agnostics joined the shenanigans, with a simple message encouraging peace between the religious students and the Atheists.

Smut for Smut made headlines back in 2005 when the Atheist Agenda first launched its campaign.

Although the Atheist event is offensive to religious students, it's important to have these debates and discussions on college campuses. Aside from allowing students to exercise their First Amendment rights, it also exposes them to different perspectives. The event is also beneficial in the way that it teaches students the power of peaceful protest. Youth in the United States is not known for being politically active, and college campuses should encourage events that force students to stand up for they believe in. -- India Graduates Millions, but Too Few Are Fit to Hire
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