Jbg, morace jos vishe da povecaju vojni budzet, kao i vojno angazovanje/okupacije sirom sveta (pardon, ucesce u "mirovnim operacijama i misijama"). Sada im je budzet prilicno 'slab' - svi vojni budzeti na svetu, kad se saberu zajedno, iznose otprilike koliko Americki.
Ako neko ima sumnje u USA prioritete, dovoljno je reci: follow the money
Mada smeta ova kriza, bedak...
A koliko bi onda to iznosilo za 'NATO zemlje', hmmmm.... USA (48%) + EU (20%) + Izrael + NATO Saveznici = 70%+ celog svetskog trosenja na vojsku.
Prioriteti su cudo... neki bi rekli da govore i o namerama.
* US military spending is more than the next 46 highest spending countries in the world combined
* US military spending is 5.8 times more than China, 10.2 times more than Russia, and 98.6 times more than Iran.
* US military spending is almost 55 times the spending on the six “rogue” states (Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria) whose spending amounts to around $13 billion, maximum. (Tabulated data does not include four of the six, as the data only lists nations that have spent over 1 billion in the year, so their budget is assumed to be $1 billion each)
* The United States and its strongest allies (the NATO countries, Japan, South Korea and Australia) spend $1.1 trillion on their militaries combined, representing 72 percent of the world’s total.
* The six potential “enemies,” Russia, and China together account for about $205 billion or 29% of the US military budget.
[Ovu poruku je menjao HarryTuttle dana 25.06.2009. u 19:49 GMT+1]