"NA RUBU BANKROTA: Volkswagen povlači 500.000 automobila, a prijeti im i kazna
Obamina administracija je naredila Volkswagenu povlačenje oko 500,000 automobila zbog ilegalno instaliranog softwarea koji im je omogućio da varaju na eko testovima.
Prema pisanju New York Timesa, Volkswagen je u svoje automobile navodno tajno instalirao poseban software, koji je za vrijeme testiranja američke Agencije za zaštitu okoliša (EPA) uključivao sustave za kontrolu ispušnih plinova.
Nakon testiranja software bi automatski isključio te sustave, nakon čega bi automobili ispuštali i do 40 puta više štetnih plinova od dozvoljene količine.
“Očekivali smo više od Volkswagena”, rekla je Cynthia Giles, predstavnica EPA-e i dodala kako je poznati njemački proizvođač automobila “prijetnja javnom zdravlju”.
Američka Agencija za zaštitu okoliša vjeruje kako je software bio instaliran na brojnim modelima Volkswagen i Audi automobila koji su bili u prodaji od 2009. godine pa sve do sada. Upitni su dizel modeli Volkswagen Jetta, Beetle, Golf, Passat i Audi A3.
Ako se optužbe pokažu točnima, EPA je potvrdila kako će Volkswagen povući oko 482.000 automobila, dok će maksimalna kazna biti 18 milijardi dolara, odnosno oko 37.500 dolara za svaki prodani automobil.
Glasnogovornica Volkswagena potvrdila je kako tvrtka surađuje u istrazi. Osim toga nije davala nikakve druge komentare. Istraga još uvijek traje…"
Ili u originalu i mnogo detaljnije o nacinu varanja -
"VW Is Said to Cheat on Diesel Emissions; U.S. to Order Big Recall
The software was designed to conceal the cars’ emission of the pollutant nitrogen oxide, which contributes to the creation of ozone and smog. The pollutants are linked to a range of health problems, including asthma attacks, other respiratory diseases and premature death.
Experts in automotive technology said that disengaging the pollution controls on a diesel-fueled car can yield better performance, including increased torque and acceleration.
“When the pollution controls are functioning on these vehicles, there’s a trade-off between performance and emissions,” said Drew Kodjak, executive director of the International Council on Clean Transportation, a research group. “This is cutting corners.”
It was Mr. Kodjak’s group, in conducting research on diesel vehicles, that first noticed the discrepancy between Volkswagen’s emissions in testing laboratories and on the road. They brought the issue to the attention of the E.P.A., which conducted further tests on the cars, and ultimately discovered the use of the defeat device software.
California has issued a separate notice of violation to the company. California, the E.P.A. and the Justice Department are working together on an investigation of the allegations.
Over the next year, E.P.A. officials said, owners of the affected vehicles should expect to receive recall notices from the company, including information about how to get their cars repaired at no cost to them.
“This is several steps beyond the violations that we’ve seen from other auto companies,” said Tyson Slocum, director of the energy program at Public Citizen, a consumer advocacy group. “They appear to have designed a system with the intention to mislead consumers and the government. If that’s proven true, it’s remarkable and outrageous. It would merit a heck of a lot more than just a recall and a fine. We would see criminal prosecution.”
Volkswagen, which also owns the high-end sports car makers Porsche and Lamborghini, recently surpassed Toyota as the world’s biggest automaker. But VW has been struggling to gain market share in the United States, where it has long been weak. The investigation is unlikely to help. In the eight months through August, sales of Volkswagen brand cars in the United States fell 3 percent, to 238,000 vehicles. By comparison, Toyota sold 1.15 million vehicles in the same period."
Kao sto smo ranije i pisali, pa su nam volsebno nestajali postovi
moze WV u Evropi da radi sta zeli jer Nemacka stoji iza njih, u USA je, kao sto vidimo, dosta drugacije. 18 milijardi dolara moguca kazna!!!